Specialists in Water & Wastewater Treatment |
Swimming Pool Treatment |
Non– Oxidizing Biocides ¨ Excellent control of algae at very low dosage ¨ Complete removal of biological deposits ¨ Wide range of products that can be used alternating to prevent immunity towards any one product |
Oxidizing Biocides¨ Calcium Hypochlorite– Granules & Tablets¨ TCCA |
Antiscalants & Antifoulants ¨ Excellent control of Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Sulfate, Iron oxide & Silica deposits ¨ Excellent control of Silt & other suspended material deposits |
pH & Alkalinity Boosters ¨ Effective at low dosage ¨ Accurate control of pH & Alkalinity |
Filter Aid ¨ Enhances filtratioin efficiency